Company Background
The Sumitomo Electric Group, in accordance with the Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group Corporate Principles, shall strive to be a group of companies worthy of society’s trust by conducting the business
activities in an honest manner.
The emblem of Riemon Soga's original business, Izumiya (izumi "spring" and ya "shop"), and many Sumitomo companies today is an igeta, a frame placed around a well in pre-modern Japan. The igeta symbolizes sparkling water
gushing constantly from a fountainhead, which forms a mighty river before flowing into a vast ocean.
Business Priciples of Sumitomo
In 1891, Sumitomo formulated it's business principles, which based upon the "Founders precepts" by Masatomo
Business Priciples of Sumitomo
Sumitomo Electric's corporate mission is to serve society by applying technological innovation to the development of tomorrow's products and services. This mission is represented graphically by the communication symbol, which features three diagonal lines extending from the tops of the Company's initials, SEI (Sumitomo Electric Industries) These three lines denote the keywords that sum up Sumitomo Electric's operations namely;